The Pontifical Shrine of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
448 E 116th St, New York, NY 10029
Telephone: (212) 534-0681 Fax: 646-568-2992
God is lightness, and there is no darkness in Him.
[1 John 1:5]
Welcome, Dear Visitors to Our Lady.
A place of Peace, A place of Spiritual Comfort, A place of Answered Prayers
Dedicated to Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel in the traditions of St. Vincent Pallotti
Dear visitors to Our Lady. Ours is a special honor to be associated with the Pontifical Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For 133 years now, pilgrims have undertaken the journey to East Harlem. Some come in fervent hope that their petitions will be heard. Some come in humble gratitude for the many prayers that Jesus answers through the intercession of Our Lady. Some come to sit and talk to Our Lady. To this very day, they flock by the thousands during July to celebrate Our Lady of Mount Carmel, many still entering on their knees, with novenas, processions and special masses. Our magnificent Shrine church is overflowing with their entreaties. Such a far cry from, yet with the same fervor, as the original Italian immigrants, men and women, who with dedication fueled by love of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, built this edifice, brick by brick, during the nights of 1884.
"As holy sites go, the Sanctuary Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) should be top of list for Catholics visiting New York. There have been several documented miracles that have been performed by the Blessed Mother at this Shrine. The image located here was proclaimed miraculous by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII and crowned during the pontificate of Pope St. Pius X on July 10th, 1904. It is one of the 3 most holy sites in the Americas as coronated by Pontifical Authority. The two others are Our Lady of Prompt Help in New Orleans, and the Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico. OLMC was built by the neighborhood's Italian immigrant parishioners (who upon completing the cathedral in the style of an Italian mountain village basilica, were only permitted to worship in their native language down in its basement). (…) the church has been the center of a religious feast in the street out front each July for the past 130 years. At one time was attended by upwards of 500,000 people. Today, services are offered in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish and Latin." (source: tripadvisor)

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